This image shows Achim Menges

Achim Menges


Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD)
Cluster of Excellence IntCDC


Keplerstr. 11
70174 Stuttgart

  • 2009 – 2015 Visiting Professor of Architecture, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • 2008 – present Full Professor (W3), Director of Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart
  • 2005 – 2008 Professor (W2), HfG Offenbach, Department of Form Generation & Materialisation
  • 2003 – 2006 Unit Master, Diploma School, Architectural Association, London
  • 2002 – 2009 Studio Master, Emergent Technologies and Design Graduate Programme, Architectural Association, London

Qualification Indicators

  • Awards: Over 30 Awards, e.g., Kunstpreis Baukunst 2015 (Art Award in Architecture) of the Akademie der Künste Berlin (Academy of Arts) (2015), German Design Award - Winner Cat- egory Architecture (2018), Innovative Academic Program Award of the Association for Com- puter Aided Design in Architecture (2015), Wilhelm-Klauditz-Award for Wood Research (2015), Timber Construction Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg for Groundbreaking Innovation (2015), Holcim Acknowledgment Award (2014), Pioneering Research Award of the Association for Robots in Architecture (2014), International Design Award (2011)
  • Publications: Over 140 peer reviewed publications and 15 books/special issues
  • Keynotes and Plenary Lectures: Over 200 invited keynotes and plenary lectures
  • Exhibitions: Work has been exhibited in over 70 exhibitions and forms part of the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou Paris and the Victoria & Albert Museum London
  • Since 2017: Vice-Dean of Research, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart
  • Since 2017: Director of the Advisory Technical Committee of the Shanghai Digital Construction Engineering Research Centre (SFAB)
  • Since 2010: Board member of the Biomimetic Competence Network Baden-Württemberg, deputy spokesperson of the University of Stuttgart
  • Since 2011: Member of The Association of German Engineers (VDI) work group “VDI Richtlinie 6226: Bionik - Architektur, Industriedesign und Ingenieurbau”
  • Scientific Reviewer: for SNF Swiss National Science Foundation, ISF Israel Science Foundation, AV-NUR Italian Ministry of Education and Research, FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
  • Scientific Committees / Reviewer: IJAC International Journal of Architectural Computing, Architectural Design Journal, CAD Journal, ACADIA Conferences Design Modelling Symposia, Fabricate Conferences, Robots in Architecture Conferences, AAG Conferences
  • Director
  • Spokesperson of the Cluster
  • Principal Investigator
  • Research Infrastructure Commission
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