Equal Opportunity & Diversity

Brings together researchers from all backgrounds, across gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, social class, age and career stage.




IntCDC brings together researchers from all backgrounds, across gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, social class, age and career stage. Together, we work to build a sustainable and fair future within architecture, design and construction, focusing on tolerance and appreciation for the diversity of every individual.


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Cluster-specific equal opportunity measures are multifaceted and complement the university’s support structures.

We operate on three levels:


We are looking for the best and brightest minds for innovation, in the traditional way (see our job ads) and actively - for an inclusive and diverse IntCDC research community.



We assist scientists during their family and career start-up phase, foster networking and support the talents of tomorrow with individual approaches - for an inclusive and diverse IntCDC research culture.




We raise awareness of the importance of diversity and equal opportunities for scientific excellence – for an inclusive and diverse research environment.


Source: YouTube


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