Working with scientific software and research software engineering (RSE) is also an essential part of research activities at the IntCDC. We therefore support our researchers in joining the RSE community in the Stuttgart region and in working on relevant software projects.
de-RSE Chapter Stuttgart
The de-RSE Chapter Stuttgart gathers all people working in or interested or involved in research software engineering (RSEing) in the region of Stuttgart. The RSE Community of Stuttgart exchanges on regulars' tables.
Join the rse-stuttgart mailing list to stay informed about all RSE related activities.
Emphasizing the emerging importance for sustainable management of research software at the University of Stuttgart the position paper Managing research software at the University of Stuttgart was published in 2021.
- Overview of all deRSE Chapters in Germany
- The German RSE Society de-RSE e.V.
- Open RSE positions in Germany are communicated via the de-RSE mailing list.
Software Projects
Research software projects at IntCDC are individually supported and also new long-term software projects that support the research within IntCDC are initiated.
Here you can find a selection of some larger frameworks or extensions developed within IntCDC:
The framework ABxM provides an open platform for experimentation with agent-based, aka individual-based, systems. Its main application lies in the modeling and simulation of dynamic systems that can be conceived of as consisting of locally interacting, discrete entities that have autonomy and goal-orientation thereby extending particle-based simulation methods. These models and simulations can be explorative (divergent) or goal-oriented (convergent) as, for example, when used for optimization. Website
Opossum (OPtimizatiOn Solver with SUrrogate Models) is an optimization plug-in for Grasshopper and includes two of the best-performing, single-objective optimization algorithms available for the platform: model-based RBFOpt and evolutionary CMA-ES. It also includes the multi-objective RBFMOpt, and the multi-objective MACO (Ant Colony), MOEA/D, NSGA-II and NSPSO (Particle Swarm) algorithms from the Pygmo 2 library.
RagRug is an open-source toolkit for visual analytics. In particular it is an distributed real-time system based on open-source software. Our Backend, the Hub, uses NodeRed, MQTT (Mosquito), InfluxDb, Postgres, Grafana and can easily be extended to any needs. The ARClient is based on Unity, PowerUI, MRTK and can therefore run and interpret JS code at runtime.
BHoM to bOWLconverter
The BHoM to bhOWL converter helps convert BHoM data to a knowledge graph in any software BHoM supports. BHoM (The Buildings and Habitats object Model) is collaborative framework that runs within several AEC design software, which helps to represent data in a object oriented database model. OWL (Web Ontology Language) provides a standardized and expressive language for representing knowledge and relationships within a domain. It allows for the creation of ontologies, which are formal descriptions of the concepts and relationships within a domain. Additionally, OWL can support reasoning and inference over ontologies, allowing for automated reasoning about the relationships between different concepts and data elements. This can be particularly useful in identifying inconsistencies or gaps in data, or in suggesting additional data sources or mappings that may be needed to support integration efforts. Our BHoM to bhOWL converter is developed as an extension to BHoM framework, and runs within any software that BHoM supports (eg. Grasshopper 3D, Excel, etc.).
Visual Analytics Framework for Grasshopper
VisuAlFroG is a framework that provides various visualization types to support visual analytics for the algorithmic modelling software Grasshopper. Grasshopper for its part is a plug-in of the commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application software Rhinoceros. The basic architecture of VisuAlFroG consists of a core framework providing general functionality and a modular extension mechanism that easily allows to integrate new visualization types or visualization libraries.