New Publication – Visualization for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction: Shaping the Future of Our Built World

April 26, 2022 /
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

M. Abdelaal (VISUS), F. Amtsberg (ICD), M. Becher (VISUS), R. Duque Estrada (ICD), F. Kannenberg (ICD), A. Sousa Calepso (VISUS), H.-J. Wagner (ICD), G. Reina (VISUS), M. Sedlmair (VIS), D. Weiskopf (VISUS), A. Menges (ICD)


We are happy to announce that a new research article on "Visualization for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction: Shaping the Future of Our Built World" has been published in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. In this article, the authors discuss the ecological, social, and economic challenges of architecture, engineering, and construction, focusing on how digitization can facilitate industry transformation and linking it to the possibilities of visualization and augmented reality research. The authors also illustrate solution strategies for advanced building systems based on wood and fibers.

Fig.1. Interactive data visualization (top-left) and immersive technology (right) will be the vehicle to support advanced digital and robotic fabrication and construction (bottom-left).



Our built world is one of the most important factors for a livable future, accounting for massive impact on resource and energy use, as well as climate change, but also the social and economic aspects that come with population growth. The architecture, engineering, and construction industry is facing the challenge that it needs to substantially increase its productivity, let alone the quality of buildings of the future. In this article, we discuss these challenges in more detail, focusing on how digitization can facilitate this transformation of the industry, and link them to opportunities for visualization and augmented reality research. We illustrate solution strategies for advanced building systems based on wood and fiber.

Congratulations to all the authors involved!


Please find access to the full paper here.


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