IntCDC Conference 2022

Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Future-proof Architecture
13 October 2022

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IntCDC Conference 2022:
Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Future-Proof Architecture

The conference of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC presents cutting-edge research on rethinking design and construction towards a truly future-proof built environment based on an interdisciplinary approach including architecture, civil engineering, manufacturing and system engineering, computer science and robotics, as well as social sciences and the humanities.

We will discuss current challenges and novel research approaches focusing on computational co-design, digital fabrication and cyber-physical construction, with an emphasis on sustainability and responsibility in advancing architecture, engineering and construction.

On Thursday, 13 October 2022, the IntCDC Conference took place with multifaceted insights and lively discussions. The IntCDC Conference Opening and Get-together on Wednesday evening, 12 October, offered a great opportunity to network and learn more on the IntCDC Large-Scale Construction Robotics Laboratory (LCRL) in Waiblingen!

The conference is presented as part of the Stuttgart Week of Advancing AEC.




Wednesday, 12 October 2022

VENUE: IntCDC Laboratory for Large-Scale Construction Robotics (LCRL), Waiblingen

18:00 - 22:00

IntCDC Conference Opening Reception and Get-Together

Social Event and Sneak Peek of IntCDC’s Prefabrication Lab and Cyber-Physical Building Site

Thursday, 13 October 2022

VENUE: City Campus Universität Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 17, Building K2, Underground Lecture Hall 17.01 (UG), 70174 Stuttgart

08:30 - 09:00 IntCDC Conference
09:00 - 09:05 Welcome by Achim Menges
Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence "Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture" (IntCDC)
09:05 - 09:15 Welcome address by Nicole Razavi
Minister of State Development and Housing, Baden-Württemberg
09:15 - 09:25 Welcome address by Wolfram Ressel
Rector of the University of Stuttgart
  Introduction of Catherine De Wolf by Cordula Kropp
09:25 - 09:55 Opening Keynote by Catherine De Wolf, ETH Zürich
“This is not a pipe / beam / floor - digitalisation for circular construction.”
09:55 - 10:10 Lecture by Cordula Kropp, University of Stuttgart
"A Social Science Perspective on IntCDC",
10:10 - 11:00 Session 1: Towards Future-Proof Timber Architecture
Computational co-design of next-generation timber building systems 
  Session Leader: Achim Menges
Keynote Speakers: Cordula Kropp, Philip Leistner, Achim Menges
Speakers: Simon Aicher, Alexander Verl
11:00 - 11:20 Roundtable-Discussion / Q&A
led by Manfred Bischoff & Serena Gambarelli
11:20 - 11:50 Coffee Break
11:50 - 12:30 Session 2: The Future of Concrete Construction: Light and Sustainable
Computational co-design of digitally fabricated concrete building systems
  Session Leader: Lucio Blandini
Keynote Speakers: Werner Sobek, Lucio Blandini
Speakers: Harald Garrecht, Volker Schwieger
12:30 - 12:50 Roundtable-Discussion / Q&A
led by Hans Christian Jünger & Marie Davidová
  Lunch Break
13:50 - 14:40 Session 3: Fibrous Structures for Resource Efficient Building Systems of the Future
Computational co-design of digitally fabricated fibre composite building systems
  Session Leader: Jan Knippers
Keynote Speakers: Hanaa Dahy, Jan Knippers, Daniel Weiskopf
Speaker: Peter Middendorf
14:40 - 15:00 Roundtable-Discussion / Q&A
led by Götz T. Gresser
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:20 Session 4: Cyber-Physical Construction of Co-Design
Towards autonomous operation on the construction site
  Session Leader: Oliver Sawodny
Keynote Speakers: Melanie Herschel, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Oliver Sawodny, Metin Sitti
Speakers: Uwe Sörgel, Thomas Wortmann
16:20 - 16:40 Roundtable-Discussion / Q&A
led by Volker Schwieger & Kuno Kurzhals
  Introduction Georg Vrachliotis by Achim Menges
16:40 - 17:10 Closing Keynote by Georg Vrachliotis, TU Delft
“Reinventing (the) Building”
17:10 - 17:15 Closing Remarks by Achim Menges
17:15 - 18:30 Get-Together 
18:30 End of Event


Download the program here.


Opening Keynote

Catherine De Wolf – ETH Zurich


To remediate the resource depletion, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions related to the construction sector, a transition to a circular model, in which we reuse building materials, is urgently needed. The Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA) lab proposes the utilization of digital technologies such as reality capture, machine learning, blockchain technology, computer numerical control as a means to achieving much faster, cheaper, and smarter de- and re-construction than ever before. These technologies help with logistically coordinating the supply chain across diverse actors in a fragmented industry, so that we can use buildings, instead of the earth, as material mines and depots. 



Towards Future-Proof Timber Architecture

Computational Co-Design of next-generation timber building systems

Timber architecture constitutes a crucial component of a future-proof built environment. This session presents integrative approaches of computationally co-designing digitally fabricated and robotically assembled timber building systems, which offer enhanced resource effectiveness, expanded design possibilities and greater spatial flexibility. It explores related architectural morphologies, addresses structural and building physics challenges, discusses data integration, and integrates sociocultural matters.

Session Leader: Achim Menges
Keynote Speakers: Cordula Kropp, Philip Leistner, Achim Menges
Additional Speakers: Simon Aicher,  Alexander Verl
Discussion Lead: Manfred Bischoff, Serena Gambarelli



The Future of Concrete Construction: Light and Sustainable

Computational Co-Design of digitally fabricated concrete building systems

Concrete is the most used building material in the world. As the demand for it continues to grow, it is essential to reduce the negative environmental impact it causes by reducing mass, grey emissions and waste. This session presents digitally based approaches to the design and fabrication of lightweight and sustainable concrete building systems with a special focus on functionally graded concrete systems. It covers resource-efficient structural design methods, automated manufacturing processes, and circular construction strategies, including zero-waste production, recycling and reuse of concrete components.

Session Leader: Lucio Blandini
Keynote Speakers: Werner Sobek, Lucio Blandini
Additional Speakers: Harald Garrecht, Klaus Jan Philipp
Discussion Lead: Marie Davidova, Ulrike Kuhlmann



Fibrous Structures for Resource-Efficient Building Systems of the Future

Computational Co-Design of digitally fabricated fibre composite building systems

Structures made of fibres have been almost unknown in building technology until very recently. Yet particularly light and resource-efficient structures can be built with a load-adapted alignment of fibres. The session presents integrated design and fabrication methods that offer new possibilities to use the potential of fibres for architecture and civil engineering. The presented demonstrators use both, high-performance synthetic fibres as well as those from renewable bio-based resources.     

Session Leader: Jan Knippers
Keynote Speakers: Hanaa Dahy, Jan Knippers, Daniel Weiskopf
Additional Speakers: Peter Middendorf
Discussion Lead: Götz Gresser



Cyber-Physical Construction of Co-Design

Towards autonomous operation on the construction site

Cyber-physical systems have great potential to increase the efficiency of construction processes by intertwining hardware and software components. This session presents approaches for automation, control and monitoring of a cyber-physical construction platform, which includes both conventional construction machines, e.g. tower cranes or spider cranes, as well as innovative reconfigurable modular robots. Furthermore, advanced modes of human-machine interactions, e.g. an intuitive haptic user interface or visual support through eye tracking, are presented and a central data management platform for the whole process chain is introduced.

Session Leader: Oliver Sawodny
Keynote Speakers: Melanie Herschel, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Oliver Sawodny, Metin Sitti
Additional Speakers: Volker Schwieger, Uwe Sörgel, Marc Toussaint, Thomas Wortmann
Discussion Lead: Thomas Bauernhansl, Kuno Kurzhals


Closing Keynote

Georg Vrachliotis – TU Delft










The IntCDC Conference will be hosted at the City Campus of the University of Stuttgart, Keplerstrasse 17, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany. We are looking forward to welcoming you all in October!



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