Natur Futur - Bioökonomie erleben

November 8, 2021 /



The special exhibition "Natur Futur - Bioökonomie erleben" in the Natural History Museum Berlin opend it's doors on 2 November 2021.

We are excited that the IntCDC building demonstrator "livMatS Pavilion" is at show on the "Natur Futur" an. A model of the robotically wound flax fibres, the original spool and a model of a cactus encompass the exhibited image of the pavilion along with further information on sustainable construction.

The interactive exhibition is trying to make the term bioeconomy more transparent and deals with its effect on the relationship between nature and society. It showcasts the different research projects the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding in the field of the bioeconomy and presents their contents, together with different ideas of the bioeconomy, openly for discussion. 

211118a_NaturFutur.jpg (2000×1333)
Photo: Stefan Zeitz

For five weeks, a collection of exhibits will be on display here, bringing new bioeconomic developments in research, society and industry to life. The  exhibition is divided into four areas with different thematic focuses: Soil|Growth|Food, Material|-Fashion|Consumption, Production|Change|Circularity and City|Country|Diversity. The fifth week is  dedicated to the overarching theme of Society|Research|Dialogue. 

The exhibition is on show until 5 December 2021.

211118_NaturFutur.jpg (2000×1333)Photo: Stefan Zeitz

211118c_NaturFutur.jpg (2000×1333)Photo: Stefan Zeitz

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