Open Positions – PhD Researchers and Architects

January 10, 2023 /

Open Positions


The IntCDC Cluster of Excellence aims to harness the full potential of digital technologies to rethink design and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal of enabling game-changing innovation in the building sector for sustainable, inclusive and high-quality architecture. The Cluster represents the breadth of scientific excellence of the University of Stuttgart and the Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems, across the fields of architecture, structural engineering, building physics, engineering geodesy, manufacturing and systems engineering, computer science and robotics, social sciences and humanities. It is led by Prof. Achim Menges from the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD).

The Institute of Computational Design and Construction (ICD) invites applications for multiple open PhD positions at the ICD. If you strive for excellence, and are highly motivated, skilled, and interested in participating in IntCDC, please apply to one of the following positions:

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (m/f/d): PhD Researcher – E13 TVL

We expect you to have an advanced degree in architectur, engineering or computer science. You should be qualified to conduct research in the field of computational design and construction.

We offer you the opportunity to:

  • Conduct research in the Cluster of Excellence with the aim to complete a doctoral degree in one of the following areas:

(1) Integrative research in computational design and digital fabrication in direct collaboration with our research partners in the research areas of timber architecture or fibrous architecture.  
Prerequisite: strong programming/scripting skills and/or strong experience with digital fabrication processes.

(2) Integrative computational design at the intersection of architecture, social science and advanced visualisation.
Prerequisite: strong interest in interdisciplinary work with social scientists and computer scientists, strong computational design skills, experience in architectural practice is advantageous.

  • Supervise master's theses and teach courses on topics related to your research as part of the international ITECH MSc program.
  • Participate in the development of the Cluster's new large-scale fabrication laboratory and cyber-physical construction site.


We also invite applications for multiple open positions as architectural designer at the ICD. If you strive for design excellence, and are highly motivated, skilled, and interested in contributing to IntCDC's various building demonstrators, please apply to one of the following positions:

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (m/f/d): Architect – E13 TVL

We expect you to have an advanced degree in architectur. You should have several years of experience in architectural practice and strong computational design skills.

We offer you the opportunity to:

  • Contribute to the design of highly innovative building demonstrators of the Cluster of Excellence in direct collaboration with our research and industry partners. Potential projects you may work on range from several permanent building projects to smaller scale, highly innovative temporary pavilions that are on the cutting edge of timber architecture.


Excellent English is required for all positions. German language skills are an advantage. We also expect a high level of commitment and dedication, team spirit and interest in interdisciplinary work.

The expected start date for all positions is as soon as possible, but can be arranged to meet individual requirements. Applications (including CV, statement of interest, portfolio/work samples and a list of computational design skills with indicated proficiency) should be submitted as one PDF file (maximum file size strictly 10MB) to:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The final application deadline is 10th of January 2023.


The Institute for Computational Design offers the opportunity to work with one of the leading teams in computational design, fabrication and construction research. In the few years since its inception, the ICD has built an internationally recognised track-record of pioneering research and demonstrator buildings, attracting world class researchers. The IntCDC Cluster of Excellence now offers the opportunity to move our research to the next level!

As the University of Stuttgart strives to improve gender equality amongst its researchers, applications by women are particularly encouraged. Individuals with disabilities will be preferably employed where qualifications are deemed equal. All research associates will be employed through University of Stuttgart's central administration.


Related Links
– More detailed information about the ICD
– Short Summary and Video of the IntCDC Cluster of Excellence
Current Research at the IntCDC
– ICD Building Demonstrator Projects


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