Lecture series announced – AI and Digitalisation: Creativity or Standardisation?

October 16, 2023 /

T. Wortmann (ICD)


ICD/CA launched the lecture series “AI and Digitalisation: Creativity or Standardisation?” with a panel discussion by AI experts from industry and academia, assessing of the impact of AI on architectural design, teaching and the profession. The panel was moderated by Tenure-Track Prof. Thomas Wortmann (ICD/CA) with participation from: Erik Bauscher (AUD), Fabian Evers (GD, Züblin), Katja Rinderspacher (ITECH), Gili Ron (ICD/CA), and Stephan Weber (AKBW). Thank you for a vibrant discussion! Students and faculty, thank you for the outstanding turn-out!

AI and Digitalisation: Creativity or Standardisation? is a lecture series in the winter semester 2023/24 that asks how the advancing digitalisation of architectural practice – keyword BIM – and the ongoing rapid progress in the field of generative artificial intelligence – everyone's talking about Midjourney, but it's no longer state of the art – will change the professional profile of architects. Will creativity machines surpass human skills in architectural design – often understood as the core of architectural creation – or is human creativity in danger of being constrained by standardisation? These questions are by no means new, but have arisen repeatedly in recent decades. Nicolas Negroponte's 1970 book “The Architecture Machine: Toward a More Human Environment“ was the starting point, vol. 76 of Bauwelt Fundamente asked “CAD: Architecture Automatically?” in 1986, and David Ross Scheer proclaimed the “death of drawing” in 2017. The lecture series reflects on these themes in the light of current technological advances and the intensifying climate crisis.


The series is curated by Tenure-Track Prof. Dr. Thomas Wortmann (ICD/CA)
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming talks!


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