Digitize Wood Network Meeting

October 27, 2022 /

IntCDC Event



The Zentrum Holzbau Schwarzwald and digitize wood invite to a network meeting between practice and research in timber construction on October 27, 2022.  The one-day event at the Kurhaus Menzenschwand will focus on the topics of stability, timber connections and sound insulation.

The event will provide insights into the current research status of the IntCDC cluster of excellence as well as practical reports from companies in the southern Black Forest region. Professionals from architecture, engineering, crafts and those interested in timber construction will receive a broad overview of current as well as future topics in timber construction. A guided walk through the forest and time for exchange and networking round off the knowledge exchange.


Network Meeting of the Platform Digitize Wood
Date: 27 October 2022 | 9.30 a.m. – 6:45 p.m
Location: Menzenschwand, Black Forest

Attendance to the network meeting is free of charge, however, registration is required via the platform eventbrite.
The meeting will be held in German language. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Digitize Wood team via digitize-wood@intcdc.uni-stuttgart.de

More information and registration can be found here. 


Program DW Network Meeting Kopie



9.00 a.m. Reception and Snack

9.30 a.m. Welcome
Stefan Kudermann, Geschäftsführer, Zentrum Holzbau Schwarzwald

9.40 a.m. Impuls der Holzbau-Offensive BW
Bernhard Panknin, Referatsleiter – Referat 54 Holzbasierte Ökonomie, Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg

9.55 a.m. Vorstellung des Zentrum Holzbau Schwarzwald
Stefan Kudermann, Geschäftsführer, Zentrum Holzbau Schwarzwald

10.15 a.m. Holzbauforschung am Excellenzcluster IntCDC der Universität Stuttgart
Moritz Mahlke, Manager Plattform digitize wood, Exzellenzcluster IntCDC

10.45 a.m. Mehr Gebäude aus Holz bauen: Die ressourcenschonende Kombination von Holzrahmenbau und Massivholzbau für mehrgeschossige Gebäude.
Herbert Duttlinger, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Holzbau Bruno Kaiser

11.30 a.m. Stabilitätsnachweis von Holzstützen. Biegeknicknachweis von Stützen nach aktuellem Eurocode 5 und Versuchsaufbauten zum Vergleich von BauBuche mit Brettschichtholz aus Nadelholz. Überarbeitung des Eurocode 5 hinsichtlich der erweiterten Nachweise für Stützen aus Buchen-Furnierschichtholz.

Janusch Töpler, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf (KE) der Universität Stuttgart, Exzellenzcluster IntCDC

12.15 p.m. Lunch

1.15 p.m. Welcome
Martin Kistler, Landrat, Landkreis Waldshut

1.30 p.m. Der Wald und seine Bäume: Wie sind Wald und Baum aufgebaut, wo liegen ihre Stärken und Schwächen?
Florian Zimmermann, Forstrevierleiter, Menzenschwand
Geführter Waldspaziergang. Bitte bringen Sie festes Schuhwerk und warme Kleidung mit.

3.30 p.m. Einfache Holzverbindungen für die Montage
Alexander Leib, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, DIE HOLZBAUINGENIEURE

4.15 p.m. Stabdübelverbindungen in Buchen-Furnierschichtholz. Aktuelle Versuchsergebnisse zu Zugversuchen an Stahl-Holz-Stabdübelverbindungen in Buchen-Furnierschichtholz. Ermittlung der Steifigkeit im Versuch und Beispiel zur normativen Berechnung nach Eurocode 5.

Lea Buchholz, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf (KE) der Universität Stuttgart, Exzellenzcluster IntCDC

5.00 p.m. Coffee

17.15 p.m. Schallschutz von Deckenbauteilen – Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
Markus Rupprecht, Leiter Engineering und F&E, Lignotrend

6.00 p.m. Nachhaltig orientierter Schallschutz im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau. Akustisches Verhalten von Holzgeschossdecken unter Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Qualität und Einblick in die Lösungsansätze vom Exzellenzcluster IntCDC.

Theresa Müller, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Akustik und Bauphysik (IABP) der Universität Stuttgart, Exzellenzcluster IntCDC

6.45 p.m. Conclusion, Small Dinner


About digitize wood

In regular network meetings, digitize wood organizes the two-way knowledge transfer between timber construction research at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart and the timber construction industry, mechanical engineering, tool manufacturing, crafts and planning in Baden-Württemberg. In addition, digitize wood organizes continuing education courses and workshops, networks with other timber construction initiatives, and engages in public relations work for timber construction.

digitize wood is based at the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart and is funded by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg as part of the Holzbau-Offensive BW.

About Zentrum Holzbau Schwarzwald (ZHS)

As a center for innovation and knowledge transfer, the ZHS will bundle regional competencies in the fields of timber construction, forestry, architecture, design, interior design and promote the exchange between research and practice. The practice will be brought together with research institutions and universities to advance timber construction and thus make an important contribution to CO2 savings. It is also about the question of what the forest will look like in the future in times of climate change and how it can guarantee the supply of raw materials. Contacts have already been made with universities in forestry, construction planning and architecture. Regional initiatives such as Naturpark Südschwarzwald, the Black Forest Biosphere Reserve, Klimapartner Oberrhein and many others have also been actively involved in the development of the ZHS. The Forest Research Institute Freiburg has helped to develop the project from the very beginning.

A separate non-profit limited liability company was founded as the supporting organization. Shareholders are the companies Baur WohnFaszination, GUTEX, Holzbau Bruno Kaiser, Holzwarth, Lignotrend and Rothmund Leimholz, the Berufsförderungswerk der Südbadischen Bauwirtschaft, the Verein Bauwerk Schwarzwald, the Sparkasse St. Blasien, the city of St. Blasien and the district of Waldshut.

The use of wood has a long tradition in the Black Forest. Some of the most innovative companies in the industry have their headquarters in the Waldshut district. The focus of the ZHS is on children, pupils and students with their teachers, but also on all companies, craftsmen and craftswomen who deal with the subject of wood. Especially they shall benefit from the offers of the ZHS. An extensive range of further training courses will take the knowledge "into the field".



Moritz Mahlke, Technology and Innovation Transfer
Tel: +49 711 685-81127

Julia Mederus, Communication and Cooperation
Tel: +49 711 685-81208


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