Call for Articles – Quality as a Driver for Sustainable Construction

July 7, 2022 /
Sustainability, MDPI, Switzerland

V. Schwieger (IIGS), P. Leistner (IABP), C. Kropp (SOWI), W. Sobek (ILEK)
IntCDC Publications


The Sustainability Journal has issued a call for papers for their special issue on "Quality a Driver for Sustainable Construction". 

Using case studies, examples, models, and problem definitions, the aim of this special issue is to show how quality can be a driver for the evolution of the building and construction sector toward a sustainable industry.

Today, construction accounts for 40% of global energy consumption and 50% of global waste. Hence, the building sector urgently requires innovation to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Even more, it is expected to cause a significantly growing environmental impact due to a steep rise in the demand for housing and infrastructure. Thus, the construction sector is faced with the two-fold challenge of performing the transition toward a sustainable building culture and delivering adequate and affordable housing for a growing world population. To master these challenges, fundamental innovations are required that significantly improve the technical, environmental, and social quality of buildings and construction processes over the full life cycle of the buildings.

The deadline for this special issue is prolonged up to 30 September 2022.

More information on manuscript submission can be found here. 


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