IntCDC Constructive Conversations – The Harvested, Designed and Living

June 10, 2021

Martin Tamke (CITA)
IntCDC Event

Time: June 10, 2021
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In the IntCDC Constructive Conversations, the Cluster of Excellence “Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture” hosts renowned national and international scientists to speak on current topics and challenges in the field of IntCDC.

We are very happy to present Martin Tamke, Associate Professor at the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in Copenhagen. In his lecture "The harvested, designed and living" he will introduce emerging questions and research at CITA in relation to the shift of paradigm towards bio based and circular practices in architecture and construction.  We present ongoing research project , which explore the impact and challenges of this shift on material, technological and cultural level. 


The harvested, designed and living

Martin Tamke, Associate Professor at the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in Copenhagen.
10 June 2021   |   6:00 p.m.



Martin Tamke is Associate Professor at the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in Copenhagen. He is pursuing a design led research in the interface and implications of computational design and its materialization. He joined the newly founded research centre CITA in 2006 and shaped its design based research practice. Projects on new design and fabrication tools for wood and composite production led to a series of digitally fabricated demonstrators that explore an architectural practice engaged with bespoke materials and behaviour. His latest research focuses on computational strategies and models for the transition of the current systems of representation in design towards those, which can serve the requirements of a future eco-metabolistic building practice based on bio-materials. His current work is characterised by strong interdisciplinary links to computer science, with a focus on Machine Learning and 3D sensing, structural engineering, with a focus on simulation and ultralight hybrid structures, and material science, with ongoing projects on bespoke materials in glulam, cellulose based bio-plastic and computational knit. His research connects academic and industrial partners and led to several national and European research projects, exhibitions and large scale demonstrators, lately the 2018 Isoropia project, as large scale contribution to the Danish Pavilion on the Venice Biennale. In 2019 Martin was appointed alternate reporter for the scientific track of the UIA2023 Copenhagen World Congress of Architects, honoring his engagement in sustainable architecture. Currently he is involved in the Danish funded 4 year research project Predicting Response, the EU project Exskallerate and several industrial collaborations.


If you are interested in attending this online lecture, please write an email to



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