IntCDC Blue Sky Project Grant 2022 awarded to Gili Ron

November 24, 2022 /
IntCDC Status Seminar

Gili Ron (ICD)


The 2022 IntCDC Blue Sky Project Grant was awarded to Gili Ron (ICD) at this year's IntCDC Status Seminar for her exceptional project “Planning for uncertainty: human teaching and machine learning for human-robot collaboration in architectural assembly”. 


IntCDC_Status-Seminar_2022_108Gili Ron presenting at the IntCDC Status Seminar

IntCDC_Status-Seminar_2022_109Karolin Tampe-Mai and Cordula Kropp together with Gili Ron


Project Abstract

“Planning for uncertainty: human teaching and machine learning for human-robot collaboration in architectural assembly” investigates possibilities of agile responses to uncertainties in construction, developing novel Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) methods, evaluated with a demonstrator.

A team of a skilled human and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) trained UR10 Collaborative Robot (CoBot) assemble a wooden structure of an architectural scale, while responding to real-life scenarios: error, rework and skill shortage. To overcome the challenges of speedy and accurate assembly, deep reinforcement learning with novel reward functions (DL, RL) combined with physical feedback from the human agent are proposed. This small-scale demonstrator for HRC aims for Co-Design, reduced fabrication errors and material waste and foster human-robot kinship.


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