Fibrous Tectonics

November 15, 2022 /
MAXXI Museum Rome, Italy

A. Menges (ICD), J. Knippers (ITKE)


The Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and the Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) have developed a novel hybrid building system made from flax fibres and wooden panels, which aims to combine the effectiveness of bio-inspired fibrous structures with the ecological advantages of bio-based fibre materials. Enabled by advanced design computation and simulation as well as robotic fabrication processes, and based on design principles transferred from natural fibrous systems, this research opens up a new approach to fibre-reinforced composite structures in architecture as pursued by IntCDC.


Fibrous Techtronics atMAXXI-3


As part of the exhibition Technoscape – The Architecture of Engineers at the MAXXI Museum in Rome, a full-scale prototype presents this significant step in the research of the two institutes. The large fibrous slab structure explores novel, bio-inspired and bio-based tectonics that are at the same time materially efficient, ecologically sound, and architecturally expressive, telling a story of deep interrelationships between technology, biology and culture.


Fibrous Techtronics at MAXXI


Fibrous Tectonics: Towards Bio-Based and Bio-Inspired Architecture
Fondazione MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo

Technoscape – The architecture of engineers, curated by Pippo Ciorra, Maristella Casciato, 01 October 2022 – 10 April 2022


Please find a detailed project description and additional images here.


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