livMatS Pavillion receives BIG SEE Architecture Award 2023

May 19, 2023 /
BIG SEE Architecture Award 2023, Lublijana



Awards for excellence in architecture and interior design were presented on 19 May as part of the BIG SEE Architecture Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Among the winners was the livMatS Pavilion, which received the BIG SEE Architecture Award 2023 for Public / Open Spaces!

Congratulations to all persons involved, especially the ITECH Class of 2020 and the ICD/ITKE project team of IntCDC, our project partners at FibR GmbH and the livMatS Cluster of Excellence, University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe)!
For more information, please visit BIG SEE Awards.

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