University Buildings and Experimental Environments Accounting for Future Matters of Concern and More-than-Human Needs

June 24, 2021

M. Davidová (Cardiff University), S. Hyysalo (Aalto University), S. Langenberg (ETH Zürich)
IntCDC Event

Time: June 24, 2021
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We are pleased to announce the third edition of the lecture series “Co-Designing an Integrative (Demonstrator) Laboratory”, hosted by the IntCDC Cluster of Excellence in cooperation with the International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT), University of Stuttgart:

24 June 2021, 5:00 p.m. University Buildings and Experimental Environments Accounting for Future Matters of Concern and More-than-Human Needs
A Panel Discussion including:
Dr. Marie Davidová (Cardiff University), Prof. Dr. Sampsa Hyysalo (Aalto University), Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg (ETH Zürich)

University buildings provide a testing ground for proposals on current matters of concern. At the same time, the design and use of novel environments must take into account future demands beyond human needs. The lecture explores these challenges with research examples from designer-user relations in socio-technical change and architectural history of university buildings.

Dr. Marie Davidová is an architect, lecturer at the Welsh School of Architecture and affiliate of the Sustainable Places Research Institute at Cardiff University.

Prof. Dr. Sampsa Hyysalo is professor of Co-Design at the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture in Helsinki.

Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg is an architect and professor of Construction Heritage and Preservation at ETH Zürich.

Moderation: Dr. Yana Boeva (IntCDC)



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