Visit by Minister President Kretschmann (right) and Hessian minister of Economics Al-Wazir (left)

Visit by Minister President Kretschmann and Hessian Minister of Economics Al-Wazir

April 25, 2023 /
Arena 2036, Universität Stuttgart

J. Knippers (ITKE)
[Picture: Universität Stuttgart/Max Kovalenko]


IntCDC Deputy Director Jan Knippers had the honour to provide valuable insights into the Cluster's timber construction research to Baden-Württemberg’s Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann and the Hessian Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing Tarek Al-Wazir on the occasion of their recent visit to ARENA2036, the research campus of the University of Stuttgart.

To promote the exchange within the fields of research and industrial transfer between the states of Baden-Württemberg and Hessen, various research projects and start-ups from the entrepreneurship ecosystem of the University of Stuttgart and IntCDC were presented.

The state of Baden-Württemberg is actively promoting the use of timber as a construction material through the Holzbauoffensive Baden-Württemberg. The Cluster benefits from this support in many ways, including digitize wood, the platform for knowledge and innovation transfer between timber construction research at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC, and the timber construction industry in Baden-Württemberg.

Further information on the visit can be found here.

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