Time: | December 7, 2022 |
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The Special Interest Group Data Infrastructure provides a forum for interested working groups wishing to establish or further develop an RDM infrastructure at working group or institute level. We invite you to a monthly SIGDIUS seminar, to which we invite internal and external experts for presentations and discussions. SIGDIUS members will have the opportunity to exchange their experiences with concrete RDM infrastructures.
We cordially invite all interested parties to the next meeting on 7 December 2022 at 2:00 p.m. For participation, please send an email to Jürgen Pleiss
This seminar will be held as an online seminar with talks from:
- Jason Maassen
(Technology Lead Efficient Computing, Netherlands eScience Center)
Research Software Quality, Sustainability and Impact at the Netherlands eScience Center
- Diellza Elshani
(ICD at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC, University of Stuttgart)
Knowledge graphs as tools for co-designing buildings