Co-Design beyond the Demonstrator: Idealistic visions vs. realistic prospects?

April 22, 2021, 9:00 a.m. (CEST)


Time: April 22, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
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Research Project Area D investigates interrelations between technological, institutional, socio-economic, cultural, environmental change.

In this EC Seminar the participants and the cluster PIs/Participating Researchers Prof. Hans Christian Jünger, Prof. Jan Knippers, and Prof. Martin Ostermann discussed the following questions:

? Who are we developing Co-Design for? Who will be the future applicants? For whom will it be attractive, useful, and affordable? (Big firms, small firms, big clients, small clients, architects, construction companies, the state,…) 
? How can IntCDC realize its goals of contributing to a more sustainable, liveable, socially just and acceptable building culture and deliver a method that is economically attractive, marketable and applicable on a large scale? 
? What has to happen to reconcile these goals? (Within IntCDC, during the research process, in society, in the market structure, in politics….)
? What will/can be its impact in a context of mass consumerism and globalized digital capitalism?

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