Master's Thesis Award Winners 2021

Daniel Locatelli and Nils Opgenorth

Building Across Scales: A Heterogeneous Robotic System for In-Situ Timber Fabrication         

Daniel Locatelli and Nils Opgenorth
Supervisor: Achim Menges, Jan Knippers
Tutors: Hans Jakob Wagner, Samuel Leder

The research proposes a heterogeneous multi-scalar robotic construction system to further automate on-site timber construction. Specifically, it presents the next step in the automation of on-site gluing through the introduction of a custom robotic clamping device for the on-site pressuring of timber elements. Therefore, at the core of the research, lies the development of the custom device as part of a larger robotic construction team including an industrial robot and crane in co-design with the material and building system.



This image shows Karolin Tampe-Mai

Karolin Tampe-Mai


Graduate School & Early Career

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