Inaugural Lectures – Anja Lauer and Philippe Grönquist

February 5, 2025, 4:00 p.m. (CET)

Time: February 5, 2025, 4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
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We are delighted to announce the inaugural lectures by IntCDC Cluster Professor, Tenure-Track Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Lauer at the Institute of Construction Materials (IWB) and IntCDC Participating Researcher, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philippe Grönquist at the Materials Testing Institute (MPA) on Wednesday, 5 February 2025.


Anja Lauer will introduce the field of construction robotics in her lecture „Robotergestütztes Bauen: Chancen und Herausforderungen“ (Robot-Assisted Construction: Opportunities and Challenges). She will explain how the field distinguishes itself from robotics and the opportunities that automation and construction robots offer to the construction industry. Furthermore, she will discuss the state of the art and the specific challenges that need to be overcome on the construction site.

In his lecture, entitled „Herausforderungen im Ingenieurholzbau der Zukunft“ (Challenges in Timber Engineering of the Future) Philippe Grönquist will introduce the Department of Timber Engineering at the Institute of Construction Materials and the Materials Testing Institute . In particular, he will address the challenges facing timber construction in the future, as well as the corresponding current research questions and proposed solutions.

Both lectures will be held in German language.

The lectures will be followed by a reception. Afterwards, the digitize wood event "l'ignite" will round off the evening.


Date 5 February 2025
Location Lecture Hall: V4.01
Pfaffenwaldring 4
16:00 –17:00

Tenure-Track Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Lauer
Institute of Construction Materials (IWB)
„Robotergestütztes Bauen: Chancen und Herausforderungen“

17:00 –18:00

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philippe Grönquist
Materials Testing Institute (MPA)
„Herausforderungen im Ingenieurholzbau der Zukunft“

18:00 Reception at the Foyer
18:30 digitize wood
L'ignite – Holzbau-Stammtisch Stuttgart
Registration Please register by 21 January 2025 via eventbrite:



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