Time: | April 15, 2021 |
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15 April 2021, 5:30 p.m. University Buildings as Pioneers of Urban Development
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christa Reicher (RWTH Aachen)
Knowledge is becoming increasingly important as a “new raw material“ for working and living in cities. Universities and research institutions are becoming magnets for talent, fostering creativity and innovation. They play a crucial role as a location factor and can act as a driver for urban development. Many cities are using this insight when drawing up strategic concepts to strengthen the contribution of universities to the city's identity. Various examples (RWTH Aachen, University of Kassel, ETH Zurich, etc.) will be used to illustrate the spatial challenges involved.
Christa Reicher is an Urban Planner and Architect, Head of the Chair of Urban Design and the Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism (RWTH Aachen).
Introduction and moderation: Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp (IntCDC)
Discussant: Prof. Achim Menges (IntCDC)
Meeting Link: https://unistuttgart.webex.com/unistuttgart/j.php?MTID=mbd4defc2693b4c879ee428b149d38776